八珍汤(素)Veg Ba Zhen Soup中医界赫赫有名的八珍汤包!八珍汤包是中医界非常著名的方剂!是传统中医流传下来的药方,最早出现记载于“正体类要”。八珍汤是由四君子汤和四物汤组合而成,广泛用于面色苍白、气血不足、月经量少、病后虚弱、贫血、术后切口长期不愈合者及月经不调、功能性子宫出血、顽固性溃疡等。材料:无硫党参、当归、熟地、川芎、白芍、甘草、茯苓、白术、素羊肉、黄豆,玉米等。
Veg Ba Zhen SoupThe famous Bazhen Tangbao in Traditional Chinese medicine!It is a prescription which is handed down from traditional Chinese medicine long time ago. Bazhen Soup is a combination of Sijunzi Soup and Siwu Soup. It is widely used for pale complexion, insufficient blood, low menstrual flow, weakness after illness, anemia, long-term nonhealing of postoperative incisions, irregular menstruation, and functional uterus. Bleeding, intractable ulcers, etc. Ingredients: Codonopsis, Angelica, Rehmannia, Chuanxiong, White Peony, Licorice, Poria, Atractylodes, vegetarian lamb, soybean, corn, salt.